
UMG for Brands

Joint development of a website for 'UMG for Brands' division of Universal Music
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Keith Jarrett

Redesign and development of the official Keith Jarrett website
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Development & Marketing of a game with the entire matric within two semesters. Published for free on Steam.
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Development of a small messenger project where users can communicate in real time
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Development of a website and public relations for games degree projects at Mittweida University of Applied Sciences
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Trip To Tribar

Development of an isometric puzzle game with optical illusions based on the works of M. C. Escher within 40 hours.
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Interactive Shader

Creation of graphic effect shaders and implementation in an interactive environment for free customisation.
Coming soon


Design creation for the YouTube channel "Schloool" dedicated to game development educational videos.
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Logo & Website Design creation for the open source Minecraft plugin platform "".
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Design and development of the website for the specialized company for tile and slab works "LETA Bau GmbH".
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STURA Newsletter

Design and implementation of HTML mails for the student council and other projects at my university.
Coming soon

Bunker Beef

Conception and realisation of an own board game idea within one semester with five fellow students
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Mods & CC

Game Modification Development and Creative Content for The Sims 4.
5000+ download per month.
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Contact details

Got a question or proposal, or just want to say hello? You can find me here.